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New Beginings

" Morphing"

I wonder how a caterpillar feels. As it forms a coccoon

Does it think.

Its world is over, or does it know it'll be a butterfly soon?


Change to the max. Make the transition & Never look back.

First & foremost I take this opportunity to thank you all for spearing your precious time & reading & even going futher to comment to my previous posts, I am overwhelmed. I wish I could be in the position to gift each one of you, I can only wish you immence favors & blessings all the days of your life.

I received my first mail,from one of the readers (a total starnger btw..shocked I know) awesome is that...I felt heaven in me. Am greatful for that to. The joy that something little can make a great impact in ones life, am just humbled.

The mail made me come up with the today's discussion. Today, we are talking about " New beginings aka Change.'' Before we go far, I won't enclose on what the mail was about cause it was personal for the sender. That said, Lets start....I know I don't appreciate change every time it comes my way, & I know I don't stand alone in this. Majority of us..Including me..are comfortable with what we have settle for even if we know we require more. We know we have to step out of that "Coccoon" we are in & form into a beautiful butterfly, but the warmth won't let us come out.

Sometimes the change we need is often what we are resisting. We don’t even know what the outcome will be, all we know is that we are not 100% that it will go the way that we want it. But what if the way that we want it, is not the way that is needed to give us a better result, a better life, a more prosperous livelihood.Have you ever thaught about that??

Everytime I had a chance to meet new people they would say I have attitude, in this case bad attitude. Yes..I got that from plenty of people, I was judged by that-story for another post lol. This made me seat down & soul searched, deep meditation my mum would put it.Its not that I had attitude, is just that I don't usually know how to start a conversation..Yea one of my weaknesses, but once I get to be acquainted to someone, I would be comfortable & safe, then the conversation will flow easily. This was usally a bad approach cause I ended up missing great opportunities. So I decided to come up with a new, but very simple approach. Every time I would meet someone new, I always smile,bizzare I know but you will & can never go wrong with a smile. Try it if you don't believe me, the outcome is immence.

For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be a HR Practitioner, but I have also wanted to do Graphic Design or 3D animation, but let’s not forget journalism & interior design. Sigh. I know I may as well be a professional student. Despite it all I decided that today (this month ie October, God willing) I am going to take a step into the dark & do graphic design cause its currently what puts food on my table,thou am self taught..#YegoStyle.. but planning to go to school & advance my knowledge. Reality is that I don’t know how it will work out. I am fearing something that hasn’t even started, I am forming a possible outcome because it is a huge change compared to what I am doing now. Years ago when I wanted to take up Human Resource I didn’t see it as being possible so I just pushed it out of my head and focused on just working as a receptionist, but I went enrolled & did HR which helps me in acquring jobs, thanks to the certificates I got.Am planning to advance, God willing.Honestly I still don’t think it is possible for me to do journalism but that is something that I am going to try do still because I really want to improve my writing, I also hope to do Interior Design something I need to do for me cause am in love with it.

Going to work everyday and paying bills at the end of the month is what we are comfortable doing. We may not want to do it–but that is an entirely different post lol. We do it because we know the outcome, we know what to expect and we know that we have to. Attempting to do something different means that we are stepping outside of our comfort zone but what the hell, GIVE IT A TRY. I mean what is the worst that could happen? Sure, it may not work out but you are already expecting that OR it WILL work out and you will be grateful that you did it.

We can’t allow fear to stop us from seeking an opportunity that could improve our lives. Take a shot in the dark, live on the edge. Take a chance… you may actually like it.

Xo - Blessed week

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