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Self Love

" Dear You Make Peace With The Mirror & Watch Your Reflection Change"- Anonymous

When I thought I had found the one who loved me more than anything I could ever imagine,my love...he made me the happiest girl in the world & I was sure he was the one. I told myself that I'll reciprocate the "love" by always being good ( extremly good ) to him cause I didn't want him to go. I would give him my all,including material stuff I could afford, just to make him stay. We were happy until that day I found out I wasn't the only girl in the world... Betrayal galore.

I cried my eyes out, I almost lost it all, but I thank God I have the best of people in my life, My Family, Vera & Kate yea they rebuked me but never left my side.( & that's the defination of friendship to me) & Church, the sermons helped me a lot, its like the preacher knew I need them.Great team of support, which am forever greatful. I got up, wrote poems, I didn't mention my love for poetry & how they sooth my nerves. But I was still in a dilemma, there is this part of me that was always questioning, " Why me?? Am I not loveable? what did I do? Maybe I didn't love enough? Everyone is in a atleast perfect relationship, why not me?"

As a victim speaking on this, that happens more often than it should in my opinion because this is what causes us to fall into depression and self blame… the first step to being loved is to love you first. It’s funny because we as humans know this rule already yet when we are blinded by ‘infatuation’ that we sometimes mistake it for love we dismiss all the rules that are really there to protect our hearts. If you were to ask anyone for love advice I can guarantee that they would end up saying “love yourself first”. If you step back for a moment and really analyse that saying “love yourself” it really is the crucial step. Most people look at it as… if YOU don’t love yourself than how can anyone else, but I have to add to that. If YOU don’t love yourself, then when someone comes into your life and points out flaws that they don’t like about you, you quickly start to change yourself and try to iron out those flaws in the attempt of trying to keep the person in your life, interested in you and obviously to love you. While doing this you lose sight of who you really are. It was you AND the flaws that attracted you to them in the first place so why change them now?

Be who you are and love yourself for it! Love yourself for you, so that you are stronger as an individual, not so that love will come your way, it will come regardless, it just may not be the love that you are looking for. Love, or should I say TRUE love comes when you least expect it. You never get a chance to prepare for it, to make sure that every hair is in place or that you look your best or have a conversation waiting so you don’t make a fool out of yourself stumbling on your words. But that’s what makes it so real, the stuttering, you possibly not looking 100%, it is at that moment that you’re given the chance to be yourself if only for a minute. It could be a hello, or bump in the walkway…if that person can accept you and look at you in awe as if looking at a beautiful sunset when your not at your best then you can only imagine the effect when you’re 100%. So many people walk around looking for love and they find it in all the wrong places and then say “I will never love again”, I know cause I had that syndrome…. Yes be patient walk away and let it happen and when it does you will know.

Love yourself and love will come to you.

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